Car Accident
Car accidents happen every day injuring, and even killing, thousands of people. When the negligence of others is the cause of these auto accidents in Grand Rapids, there is a remedy. Injured victims, and the families of those killed, have the right to file claims or lawsuits against the responsible party. You can recover medical expenses, lost income, and compensation for pain and suffering. To understand your rights and how the legal process works, speak with an attorney who specializes in this type of law and understands the complexities of car accident claims. Visit our page relating to Car Accidents for more information or call R. Kevin Thieme for a free consultation today.
Truck Accident
Trucks cause catastrophic injuries or death when they are involved in an accident with a motorcycle, car, or another truck. If operator negligence is the cause of the truck accident, the victim or family of the victim may be entitled to compensation. If you have been injured in a truck accident in Grand Rapids, you need an expert who can give you proper legal advice. R. Kevin Thieme was invited to serve on the prestigious Michigan State Advisory Board of the Association of Plaintiff’s Interstate Trucking Lawyers of America. Truck accidents involving commercial vehicles with savvy insurance adjusters and corporate attorneys may offer quick, inadequate settlements. R. Kevin Thieme will make sure that if you are entitled to a greater recovery, you will get it.
Motorcycle Accident
Accidents involving motorcycles and mopeds often end up with serious injuries. Frequently the driver of a vehicle fails to notice a motorcycle on the road. Motorcycle drivers are cut off, rear ended, and pushed off the road. If you have sustained an injury resulting from a moped or motorcycle accident, you will need and individual who understands the nuances of these accidents and can advise you on what rights you are entitled to and how the legal process works. Don’t put your situation in the hands of an attorney who practices many types of law. R. Kevin Thieme only handles injury cases.
Pedestrian Accident
Pedestrians involved in motor vehicle collisions usually suffer serious injuries or death. R. Kevin Thieme will seek maximum compensation for families and individuals hurt in such accidents. The law provides payment for lost wages, medical costs, and other costs of a pedestrian/automobile accident. R. Kevin Thieme takes on large insurance companies to obtain maximum compensation for victims. Children are especially vulnerable to pedestrian accidents as they have can run into the street, ride their bikes into traffic, and walk in between parked cars. It is the responsibility of the driver of a vehicle to look out for children. R. Kevin Thieme has helped many families who have fallen victim to these types of injuries or even the death of a child.